引爆点 发表于 2020-7-14 12:49:02


各位2020级同学:首先欢迎大家进入对外经贸大学全球价值链研究院学习,很高兴和大家一起度过未来的两年,为更好地实现培养目标,提升你们的能力,近几年来,研究院一直在不懈地探索和实践研究生的提前培养,对于你们而言,需要关注以下几个方面: 一、 建立信息发布与共享平台并进行有效管理为了更好地发布信息、增进沟通,我们建立了2020级硕士暑期课程群,请各位同学扫描以下二维码后实名入群。学院即将在群内发布学术讲座、网络课程学习考核等暑期课程具体安排,群里还有学院领导、代课教师、教务秘书和辅导员老师,帮助大家答疑解惑。 二、 利用假期完成文献的阅读
1.Varian, Hal. Microeconomic Analysis (3rd edition), Norton.
2.Romer, David. Advanced Macroeconomics, Mcgraw-Hill.
4.Miller and Blair. Input-Output Analysis. Oxford University, 2009.
6.Coyle, Langley, Gibson and Novack. Supply Chain Management: A Logistic Perspective(9th edition), 2013.
1.Antràs, P., and D. Chor. 2013. “Organizing the Global Value Chain.” Econometrica 81 (6): 2127–204.
2.Baldwin, R. 2013. “Global Supply Chains: Why They Emerged, Why They Matter, and Where They Are Going.” In Global Value Chains in a Changing World, edited by D. Elms and P. Low, 13–59. Geneva: World Trade Organization.
3.Gereffi, G., J. Humphrey, and T. Sturgeon. 2005. “The Governance of Global Value Chains.” Review of International Political Economy 12 (1): 78–104.
4.Hummels, D., J. Ishii, and K. Yi. 2001. “The Nature and Growth of Vertical Specialization in World Trade.” Journal of International Economics 54(1): 75–96.
5.Johnson, R. C., and G. Noguera. 2012. “Accounting for Intermediates: Production Sharing and Trade in Value Added.” Journal of international Economics 86 (2): 224–36.
6.Koopman, R., Z. Wang, and S. Wei. 2014. “Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports.” American Economic Review 104 (2): 259–94.
7.Timmer, M., A. A. Erumban, B. Los, R. Stehrer, and G. de Vries. 2014. “Slicing Up Global Value Chains.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 28 (2): 99–118.
8.Wang, Z., S. J. Wei, and K. Zhu. 2013. “Quantifying International Production Sharing at the Bilateral and Sector Levels.” NBER Working Paper No. 19677, NBER, Cambridge, MA.
9.Xing, Y., and N. Detert. 2010. “How the iPhone Widens the United States Trade Deficit with the People’s Republic of China.” Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) Working Paper Series No 257, ADBI, Tokyo.
10.Wang Z., Wei S. J., Yu X., Zhu K. 2017. “Measures of Participation in Global Value Chain and Global Business Cycles.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 23222.
11.World Bank and others. 2017. “Measuring and Analyzing the Impact of GVCs on Economic Development.” Global Value Chain Development Report.

    为提高学生的总体专业素养,请大家在暑假期间完成这些文献的阅读工作,并结合自己想要研究的方向,提前与导师取得联系,按照导师要求有侧重地撰写读书笔记(导师可根据实际需要,对参考书目及文献进行增减)。开学后将笔记提交给想要选择的导师评阅,作为参考,学院届时将统一组织师生互选工作,确定导师分配情况。 三、 开展线上讲座研究院将在暑假期间,以线上方式举办3场专题讲座,重点围绕提升学生科研素养、科研方法、学科前沿问题探讨等,具体时间及主题后续将在课程群内发布,请同学们准时参加。 四、 进行网络公开课学习暑假期间,研究院将结合本专业特色及培养需要,为同学们指定一门网络公开课供大家学习,旨在引导大家提升理论知识水平、培养多渠道学习的习惯,不计学分。为强化学习过程管理及结果监督,研究院将采取测试或论文的形式,对大家的学习情况进行追踪考核,学院也将在过程中安排专业老师进行答疑。具体课程内容、学习平台、考核方式后续将在课程群内发布,请同学们及时查看。 全球价值链研究院

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